Two months.
Sometimes it feels like time goes by quickly, and other times it seems frustratingly sluggish. I’m thankful that I’ve felt neither over the past number of days.
Here’s a little montage of some of my adventures (basically just some experimenting with my Sonya7ii video features, ha!) and below that are a few thoughts from the mind of yours truly:
1. Pace – as I briefly mentioned above, the speed at which time is passing has felt pleasingly constant. I don’t feel rushed, and I don’t feel behind schedule (for the most part). I do have to fend off doubts of the past or fears of the future at times, but lately God’s been teaching me about his daily supply of mercy and grace. “Pace” is a word that has often popped to mind. I’ve heard numerous sermons recently that have really driven home this thought and made it stick to me. The thought that I only have today. The idea that I should live every second of this day as if it was my last, and on the flip side, that I should view every moment spent on Jesus as if I had all the time in the world.
One speaker related this idea to the Israelites in the wilderness and how God provided daily manna for them. The idea was that they had to trust and fully depend on God for their daily supply. They could not “store it up” and use it the next day, for it would get mouldy (Exodus 16). I feel it’s the same principal in my daily life. I am to “use up” the mercy portioned to me, today. To fall into the grace that’s given to me, today. Do what he’s called me to do, today. Stop freaking out about tomorrow since tomorrow will bring it’s own challenges. I need to think about my pace, and focus on today.

2. Exploration – I’ve discovered that I’m not all country girl like I thought – I actually love being in the city! I thought I was all about the secluded mountains and waterfalls, and although I do love discovering random lakes and sauntering through a forest, I also get a kick out of the sounds, smells and heartbeat of a city, specifically Sydney. It’s fun to realize that something I once kept at bay, I now embrace.

Photo credit: Kayla Rosin
3. Home – one of the biggest challenges (at least on Sundays) for me is viewing Hillsong as my “home church.” And I don’t mean for the long/short term of life but simply for this specific time and season. I want to be invested in the building of the Kingdom in this location for this time. I want to have a love and grace for the people I’m surrounded by, and be useful to them. I know this takes time though, and I’m learning to walk at an appropriate pace to get there.
Kind a fun way God addressed all this on today of all days (two month mark) was that I had the opportunity to purchase Pastor Bobbie Houston’s new book “Stay the Path” which she was also taking the time to personally sign. As she penned her name in the front cover she asked what brought me here and I said I was attending Hillsong College. As she put her arm around me to pose for a photo she said “Well, you’re part of the family now.”
Ha, I love how the Holy Spirit orchestrates little moments like this to remind me I’m in the right place at the right time.