Double digits now! Yahoo!
This past week was the first ever Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference, and it was absolutely smashing. I can’t even put my finger on why some of the sessions had me walking away speechless, but they did. Pastor Bobbie Houston spoke an incredible word on Thursday night about consistency, “staying at your post!” and faithfulness. One particular section stuck out to me: you know how the Bible describes Christians as farmers, athletes, soldiers, etc.?? Well, Bobbie brought up this point: what happens when you, as a Christian, don’t show up? If a farmer doesn’t show up, he misses reaping the crop. If an athlete doesn’t show up, he definitely doesn’t win the race. If a soldier doesn’t show up, he puts not only himself, but also those around him and those coming behind him in danger! Woah! This was and still is an awakening moment for me!
Another moment was when Cass Langton told a story to bring home a similar point in her own message. She was speaking on “The Art of Rescue” and how we are called to do what God has put on our heart, for His glory and for others. During her last few moments she climbed up a tall, white, lifeguarding chair, which had been placed on stage as a prop for her message (they pulled out all the stops for Creative Conference!). She then began to unravel a story of someone who was sitting at the beach watching lifeguards train some kids in water safety exercises. The person watching was caught in the irony of the moment as they looked beyond the group of teachers and youngster’s and realized there was someone in the distant water who was drowning. Cass challenged us and basically said “I hope we aren’t too busy practicing our gift, that we forget to use it.” Wow. That thought scared and inspired me all at once. I never want to be the type of person that spends so much time trying to polish and prep whatever God has put in my hand to do, that I miss the opportunity to actually use it when it counts.
Having said that, I’ve been working on a writing project for several months now – I can’t figure out how to define it, a story, a giant metaphor? Anyway. I feel like I’m notorious (at least in my own mind) for starting projects, but never finishing them or letting them see the light of the day. But, with the help of my friend Alysa, I’ve grown in discipline and actually made a little bit of headway on this particular item. The problem? I’ve only let one or two people actually read it – ha! After those messages at conference I began wondering, “am I too afraid to share something that’s been stirring in my heart because it’s not “perfect” and not “polished” yet? What would happen if I just let it see the light of day?” Now, I don’t know if it’s really that great, or what will happen with it, but with the fire of these messages behind me I am driven to actually put this little project of mine out in the open air and just see what God might do (whether that’s just in my own life, or someone else’s). Because here’s the deal: at some point there will be seed in my hand – whether it’s this or something else – and if I’m too afraid to plant it, water it, and let it see the light of day, what will happen to it (I’ll give you a hint, it’s certainly not “something”)? I don’t want to be like the servant who “buried her ‘talents,'” instead of investing it and massaging it into something useful (Matthew 25:14-30). So, if you are someone who likes reading drafts and unpolished ideas, send me a message or email “karen@karenbrinkmusic.com” and I will send you a PDF of what I’ve been working on, and I would love to hear your thoughts!
Well, this has been my 10 month rant. Thanks for reading all the way through! I hope something helps you and challenges you to be all that God has called and commissioned you to be for your time and place on the planet. Let’s pray that we all use what is in our hand, sow it, remain faithful to the planting, and joyously watch it grow, while glorifying the one who created everything and all of us.
“…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2