Year one of Hillsong College: COMPLETE.
- Independence – although I will be very happy when the season of dating and marriage eventually rolls around, I’m very much enjoying this season of singleness! I’ve had some good conversations with friends about this recently, and one of my favourite quotes is this: “I want to look back on my single years having loved and fully embraced them!” Amen, sista’! Singleness is not a season to whine and complain about a lack of romance (although it’s of course a natural desire). I want to live (and one day look back upon) my single years soaking in each and every moment. Because, after all, spontaneously going to the beach by myself to hang with Jesus, soak in the sun and be refreshed in the waves, or just generally taking my time and doing whatever I want is pretty great (I know of some incredible moms and busy wives that would probably love a day off to do what I get to do on a regular basis)!

- Shift – There’s a few things shifting within moving into second year of college. One thing is that a few of my housemates graduated – congratulations Debs & Beth! – and therefore are moving out and onward. I am so happy for them and proud of them, but part of my heart is a little torn and confused because now I have to say goodbye to people I’ve spent the last year with! Someone should really put on the college application that people need to be ready for an emotional rollercoaster! Also, Pastor Steve Penny spoke at Hillsong Church about a “God Shift.” My biggest take away from this message was that often times we ask for a God Shift in life, and we want God to miraculously do something in us, yet we sit in the same place and WE don’t MOVE. This was bit of an eye opener, and I hope that as I pray for God shifts in my life and in the next year, that I’m also aware and willing to move when he asks!

- Honesty – A spiritual lesson that I’ve been a bit “slapped in the face” with recently is honesty and truthfulness in my words. I’ve realized that there’s situations in my life where I’ve been a bit too silent. In certain social circles where I’ve been a little less comfortable, I’ve remained the quiet girl in the corner, when on the inside I know I have things to say to add to conversation and discussion. I’ve also realized that by NOT saying something, I’m saying something. I’m saying that I’m apathetic towards a situation or conversation topic if I don’t contribute (at least in some cases). This again was a bit of a wake up call. I need to be okay with speaking up, and speaking my mind. Flashback to my very first job, and a conversation I had with my boss. I worked at a horse farm over the summer when I was in high school, and let’s just say I was more shy and reserved than I am now, and my boss was straightforward and outspoken. In short, she was very intimidating for young little me! My wonderful, patient Mom can attest to many drives home when I would be in tears, fearful and small and afraid of my next interaction with this particular oversight. Of course, this boss never intended any of this, and in the end I think helped put some thicker skin on me. Anyway, I’m getting off topic, I was talking about speaking up and honesty. Well, one afternoon my boss took me and another teenage co-worker out to lunch and she said something that at the time I didn’t take to heart, but has stuck in my brain ever since. She plainly said:
“If you don’t speak up, you’ll miss out on a lot of things in life.”
So simple, and yet it has come back to “haunt” me a few times more recently. It’s actually true. If I don’t speak up and tell people what I’m thinking and feeling, or simply contribute to a conversation, I will never be heard (duh!). But seriously, I’m challenged and encouraged to speak up a little more. If you are more soft-spoken like me, I challenge you to speak out a little more, share your thoughts, who knows who it could impact?!