Trusting God with finances is always a journey! Let me tell you a few of the chapters from this month! Firstly, I needed to check out a computer issue I was having, so I made an appointment at the Apple store. Now, it’s happened twice in the past that I went to the apple store, prayed on the way, and came out with free repairs! Honestly, I somehow felt like I didn’t have the faith to believe for that again, but still I prayed. And, just like Jesus, he was kind and generous, and I got repairs done FOR FREE once again! This repair and part (a new fan) was worth over $300! Praise. The. Lord.
Secondly, I had been thinking about what to do for the college break coming up in July. My heart yearned to be with family in Canada, but I knew that with tuition payment due shortly, there was no way I could personally swing both costs! I started sharing with various friends around college this desire to go home, and they stirred me to pray and believe that if it was meant to happen, God would provide! I kid you not, I was having a conversation with someone after a rehearsal one night, sharing life with them, and they said to me “Hey, we actually want to cover the cost of your flights home.”
Lastly, this month Hillsong Church is preparing for the end of the financial year special offering which they call “Heart for the House.” Last year I was excited to be part of it, and I again felt the Lord stir me on an amount to sow into the Kingdom through Hillsong Church. The interesting thing is, although the amount was a stretch, I was okay with upping it just slightly, and I was able to give with a cheerful heart, knowing that this financial sacrifice is going into good ground, and that God will do something with it!
All in all, God is faithful in everything, and he is faithful in this very material thing which my housemate likes to call “earthen coin” (Love you, Jessica Relyea)

I often mention my music teaching job in this blog, and so I thought it only fitting to mention I received news that all my 5 students who did exams this month PASSED! Honestly, this season of training and preparing students for AMEB examinations has been an interesting time, but I’ve learned lots, and I’m so proud of my kiddos that gave their all, did their best, and are now moving on to the next grade!

The weekend prior to my good friend Zahli’s birthday (video montage above) I rented a car to drive her and I to her favourite beach around – Caves beach! It is certainly a special place. Along with that adventure I drove myself to the beach for some time alone with Jesus, and wow, was it ever refreshing! It is definitely a favourite activity of mine to be out on my own in nature, with a notebook and wide open heaven!