Where too?
I never thought I’d go to Malaysia or Indonesia. But this past month, I found myself in both! To be honest, amongst the countries on my “to-go” list, Aisa was not listed, but when I received an email from Hillsong College asking me if I’d like to go on a College trip to those places, I think it took me all of 5 seconds to reply with an emphatic, all-caps, “YES!” What a cool 26th birthday present! 😉

A team of 15 of us went to 5 different locations within the 2 countries to do information sessions about Hillsong College as well as worship services at various Churches. It was a an incredibly sweet time for me personally. Yes, there were early mornings – like meeting in the hotel foyer at 3:00am to head to the airport for a flight – and late nights – apparently dinner at 11:30pm is normal thing in Malaysia, haha! But oh-my-lanta, I had the BEST time!

I knew I loved travel, but this trip confirmed it once again to me. My heart tends to fill up simply by observing a new place and experiencing new landscapes. A lot of times my nose was glued to the window of our bus or plane, which is how I snapped these photos on my Sony:

I had coffee with a friend a week after returning from my trip, and she said “Karen, you look refreshed and inspired!” And that is exactly how I felt. It was like someone had blown a gust of fresh wind into my sails. Even through long hours, and having a few sniffles after arriving home and battling jet lag, I felt “enlarged” somehow, and most certainly creatively inspired (I took hundreds of photos on the trip on my Sony!). I guess I feel like elements of my calling were actually confirmed on this trip. I gained confidence in my people skills, technical ability and my creativity.

And so, with the uncertain future on the horizon (I graduate in 1.5 months and have no plan…aha!) if God can make a trip like this pop out of nowhere for me, what else does he have up his sleeve? All in all, what a way to mark the 2 years and 9 months I’ve been on this Aussie adventure!

Taken from a sweet boat ride in Pontianak!